Join us on February 2, at 4:30 p.m.
Join us this Wednesday to meet with your colleagues from around the state! We have an increasing number of participants joining us each month and have lots of great content~
We will meet as a group with general updates, then break into rooms for discussions specific to your divisions!
**COME FOR GIVEAWAYS! We will be giving away $25 gift cards to one individual PER DIVISION! **
- February is CTE Month! Share in the festivities...
- NM PED-CCRB will be providing updates from their office!
- Alamo Educate and Innovate (February 9th), provides a free PD event! Visit their website to view session details, presenter bios, and other info.
- Open Positions on the NMACTE Board for Business Division and Trades & Industry Division~ applications welcome.
- Region IV ACTE Conference is scheduled for: April 20-22, in Dallas, TX.
- Social Media is important~ we will have our expert back again who will be presenting tips and tricks! She's full of great information and we wanted to make the opportunity available again to anyone who missed it.
We look forward to you joining us Wednesday!
NMACTE Division Socials
February 2, 2021 04:30 PM Mountain Time
Scheduled for the First Wednesday of every month
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 816 5903 9380
Dial by your location: +1 346 248 7799 US